Robert Quinn Looks for Help In Expanding Scholars at Risk


Photo By Chris Wade

BRISTOL, R.I._ As the Executive director of Scholars at Risk, Robert Quinn is looking to expand awareness about his organization. The first place that Roger Williams digital journalism student’s identified as a weakness, was the organization and Quinn’s social media presence.

Scholars at Risk removes scholars from areas of high risk, and provides them with a “sanctuary” in another location until the area of unrest or situation is resolved. Many people in the academic community would jump at the opportunity to help scholars, but the problem is many people are unaware of the organization.

Scholars at Risk on twitter has under just over 700 followers and lacks an interactive social media experience. In order to keep followers interested in what you are saying, you need to show interest in their work.

The organizations website has a few videos, but according to Quinn they cannot share all the stories of scholars that they have assisted due to concerns that families in the troubled areas may be harmed. Speaking at Universities is the easiest way for Quinn to reach scholars and educators in the same setting, but traveling across the country is not practical.

Video Via Tunisia Live

Quinn could create interactive videos featuring stories from scholars willing to speak compiled into the same setting. Creating the videos would be cost-effective, while pushing a compelling message across to interested parties.

Quinn and Scholars at Risk have the potential to change the lives of many. Getting the word in the public is the organizations biggest hurdle. Using some simple suggestions from Roger Williams students, Quinn can bolster his social media presence and reach more people, as he admitted was a problem of his. Bolstering his digital presence on the website will allow people that view his website to gain knowledge of the mission of Scholars at Risk without simple staring at text.

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